9 Essential Skills Needed to Become a Successful Firefighter

Being a firefighter is a demanding task. By the very definition of the job title, a firefighter is someone who is not afraid to put his life on the line for others. He is a person who goes against the bleakest of odds, duels with death every day and still survives. From running into hellish […]

What are the Best Gifts for Firefighters

Firefighters are unsung heroes who work for the safety of the population by dealing with fire hazards all over the country. These firemen also need some time to relax from their hectic schedule of training and firefighting. Despite being tough both mentally and physically, they also wish to be loved and pampered by family and […]

60 Invaluable Online Firefighter Resources

1. SFFMA : SFFMA is the largest and oldest fire association of Texas, formed in 1876 to serve the fire and emergency responders.  The association offers various fire service resources, full certification packet, current exam, training, available grants, and more information. 2. Maine Fire Service Institute : Maine Fire Service Institute, a division of Southern Maine Community College provides […]

Fire Prevention and Safety Education Guide

How much devastation and loss fires can cause is evident from the fact that each year, firefighters counter an average of 3,810 fires in Greek housing and college residence halls. Since the year 2000, millions of dollars of property has been damaged, and 122 fatalities have been recorded due to campus fires. According to the […]

Firefighter Exam and Practice Tests

The life of a firefighter is full of dangers and challenging situations. It happens all too often that a firefighter finds himself in a position where he/she is required to make real-time decisions at a moment’s notice, which in return has a direct impact on people and property. It is a job which demands a […]

Why are Fire Trucks Red?

You might have seen fire trucks running on the road or at the scene of fire, hazmat, extrication or medical emergencies. But, have you ever speculated why fire trucks are always painted Red? Well, most of the people assume that the reason behind the intense, bright red color of fire trucks is that the color […]

Firefighter Scholarships and Grants – Financial Aid and Support

Volunteer and professional firefighters work endless shifts to protect and safeguard people in various communities across the United States. With such great responsibility comes commitment, professionalism, specialized training, and proper education. Certifications and associate degrees from vocational schools and colleges provide excellent opportunities for upcoming firefighters to achieve personal and academic success. However, the high […]

How Long Does IT Take to Become an EMT

EMTs are the first responders to provide medical care to the sick and injured during an emergency crisis. If you wish to have a career as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), you should take into account the commitment, dedication and time factor needed to be an EMT. It can be a full-time job that can […]